PT. Djarum clove cigarettes is a company that has been prominent in the world. Already more than 50 years of PT. Djarum cigarettes produce high quality and always keep smoking satisfaction of its customers. The well-known cigarette brands, among others, Djarum Super, Djarum Black, and LA Lights that have been marketed in various countries and became an international brand.
The success can be achieved not escape the diligence of its employees who are dedicated, innovative, and is always willing to go forward. In addition, the presence of teamwork, integrity, and an attitude of mutual respect highly prioritized in the work environment PT. Djarum.
PT. Djarum currently require employees to fill positions:
- Female max 25 years old
- Single (unmarried)
- Have SIM A or SIM C
- Educated at least D3 or equivalent
- Willing to be placed anywhere in the area
- Having a fascination with the field work
Then, the candidate who has passed the selection will be placed on a marketing office and was responsible for carrying out the task of product sales and promotional activities in the area. If you have the ability to dikonstribusikan and desire to become part of our team, complete application may be sent to the postal address:
The success can be achieved not escape the diligence of its employees who are dedicated, innovative, and is always willing to go forward. In addition, the presence of teamwork, integrity, and an attitude of mutual respect highly prioritized in the work environment PT. Djarum.
PT. Djarum currently require employees to fill positions:
- Female max 25 years old
- Single (unmarried)
- Have SIM A or SIM C
- Educated at least D3 or equivalent
- Willing to be placed anywhere in the area
- Having a fascination with the field work
Then, the candidate who has passed the selection will be placed on a marketing office and was responsible for carrying out the task of product sales and promotional activities in the area. If you have the ability to dikonstribusikan and desire to become part of our team, complete application may be sent to the postal address:
PT. Djarum merupakan perusahaan rokok kretek yang telah terkemuka di belahan dunia. Sudah lebih dari 50 tahun PT. Djarum memproduksi rokok high quality dan selalu menjaga kepuasan merokok para konsumennya. Adapun merek rokok yang terkenal antara lain Djarum Super, Djarum Black, dan L.A. Lights yang telah dipasarkan di berbagai negara dan menjadi merek international.
Keberhasilan tersebut dapat diraih tidak luput dari ketekunan para karyawannya yang memiliki dedikasi, inovatif, dan selalu berkeinginan untuk maju. Selain itu, adanya kerjasama team, integritas, dan sikap yang saling menghargai sangat diutamakan dalam lingkungan kerja PT. Djarum.PT. Djarum saat ini memerlukan karyawan untuk mengisi posisi:
- Laki-laki berusia maximal 25 tahun
- Single (belum menikah)
- Mempunyai SIM A atau SIM C
- Berpendidikan minimal D3 atau sederajat
- Bersedia ditempatkan didaerah manapun
- Mempunyai ketertarikan dengan pekerjaan lapangan
Kemudian, kandidat yang telah lolos seleksi akan ditempatkan pada kantor pemasaran serta bertanggung jawab untuk melaksanakan tugas penjualan produk dan kegiatan promosi didaerah tersebut. Jika anda memiliki kemampuan yang dapat dikonstribusikan dan berkeinginan menjadi bagian dari team kami, lamaran lengkap dapat dikirimkan ke alamat pos:
Paling lambat tanggal 21 Nopember 2011
Cantumkan kode posisi disebelah kiri amplope.
MAs . untuk SMA bs gak ya atau yang sedang berkuliah