Credit Unions in West Borneo

09 September 2012

In the early stages of the emergence of second wave Credit Union (after 1985), the development of Credit Union in Kalimantan (the side members and assets) is actually no different from Credit Union in other places. Credit Union appeared at the initiative of a group of people and grow in a confined environment. Credit Union Pancur Kasih (CUPK), for example, begins by 61 teachers and employees of the Yayasan Karya Sosial Pancur Kasih (YKSPK) in Pontianak. Initially they just wanted to help each other overcome difficulties in the household economy. First capital of Rp 167,950. After three years, members of the new CUPK grown to 446 people with assets of USD 62 million. Currently membership is limited to CUPK family environment Pancur Kasih Foundation.

In 1993 members of CUPK increased to 2647 people with assets of Rp 1.2 billion. Because it has been experienced that the CUs provide benefits to members and a lot of people interested in joining in CUPK, in 1994 with the approval of members, the board decided to open a place CUPK services in various cities and villages.
One of the supporters of the decision to open up this is the challenge of Oxfam NOVIB. At that time, the Foundation for
Yayasan Karya Sosial Pancur Kasih got an offer of cooperation with Oxfam NOVIB. After seeing how good CU program Pancur Kasih empower communities in economic terms, Oxfam challenged AR Mecer, one of the founders and trustees of the Foundation, to develop the CU in the interior. "Just in the interior it is more needed people!" Oxfam said the people of NOVIB. Finally in 1995 Pancur Love makes the proposed development program Credit Union in West Kalimantan. "There are 10 time was supported by Oxfam NOVIB and that the average running now," said AR Mecer. Later Pancur Kasih Democracy Economic Development forming units (PEK), the unit which runs the project's development cooperation with Oxfam NOVIB it.

As for some of the credit unions located in west Kalimantan, among others:
1. Pancur Kasih, based in Pontianak and is the largest Credit Union in terms of capital.
2. Lantang Tipo, located in Manis Raya, Parindu the District of Sanggau, this is the oldest Credit Union.
3. Semarong, based in Sanggau.
4. Puyang Gana, based in Sintang.
5. Agape,
based in Melawi.
6. Bima and another one located in the District Sekadau.

There may be other Credit Unions that I have not known.

Source: - 

Info / LowKer Serupa:


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